Micropac Industries, Inc. (Mii),成立于1963年,总部位于美国德克萨斯州的加兰。Micropac (Mii)起初只是一家混合微电路制造商,为加强公司在微电路领域的实力,Micropac (Mii)于1969年连同设备、技术、员工及客户一举收购了美国Varo公司。
Micropac (Mii)已经发展成为混合微电路领域和光电领域的业内领导者,其产品被广泛的应用在美国、欧洲等发达国家的航空航天以及工业、医疗等领域,部分产品还作为业界标准被广泛应用于全世界。
Micropac (Mii)所有产品的研发、生产任务均由其两大设备部承担——微电子设备部和光电子设备部。主要产品包括:
Micropac (Mii)微电路方面:
· 固体继电器
· 固体功率控制器
· 电源驱动光电晶体管
· 电源运算放大器
· 稳压器
· 加热器
Micropac (Mii)光电复用方面:
· 可见发光二级体指示器
· 光电晶体管
· 发射器、接收器
· 传感器
Micropac (Mii)高温器件方面:
· 光绝缘体(包括光敏感元件的耦合装置)
· 稳压器
· 全套测量设备
· 霍耳效应设备
· 空间应用包括运载火箭、发射设备、航天器、太空船和地面支持;
· 工业领域包括医疗、“高温”、地下作业及其它苛刻的电子应用环境。
· Micropac (Mii)注册并通过了ISO 9001认证
· NASA(美国宇航局)的核心供应商
· 美国宇航科学院的主要供货厂家之一
· 与同行业知名厂家的部分产品可以完全兼容或电气特性类似。譬如:Honeywell、OPTEK、HP、TI、TeledyneRelays、Dialight等。
Micropac Industries, Inc. provides optoelectronic components, electronic assemblies and multi-chip microelectronic modules. Micropac also supplies application-specific electronics packaging solutions for applications that have complex specifications and no readily available solution. The company serves the aerospace, space (radiation tolerant), military, industrial, and medical markets. Micropac offers both custom and standard products from its DLA space and military qualified, ISO9001:2008 and AS9100 Rev C certified facilities. Our standard products include high reliability optocouplers, LEDs, LED displays, Hall Effect sensors, solid state relays, solid state power controllers, power operational amplifiers and optically isolated MOSFET switches.
Micropac Industries, Inc. offers over 50 years of experience in the manufacturing of multichip microelectronics modules. We have supplied single component and multi component devices for military, space, medical and hi-rel industrial applications. Micropac has ISO / AS 9100 registered facilities that are qualified to MIL-PRF 38534, Class K and MIL-PRF-19500 JANS. Micropac can support High Mix / Low Mix volume contract manufacturing services and can provide services tailored to meet the customers unique electronics packaging requirements. We can provide electronics packaging solutions throughout the customers product life cycle that will meet or exceed the customers expectations. Micropac provides Program Management and Manufacturing Resources for each customer application. We will work at the component level or the assembly level. Micropac will provide complete microcircuit outsourcing services for customers who are interested in microcircuit fabrication outsourcing.
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